Friday, October 22, 2010

Using White Vinegar as an All-Round Cleaner

Publisher: Earl Williams
The Affiliate Mini Mall

If you are looking for a safe, non-toxic cleaner and overall household helper, look no further than white vinegar. This humble substance can be used in a variety of ways to clean and disinfect your home. Here are some ideas for how to use this inexpensive liquid.

1. Deodorizer

Vinegar can help remove odors from clothes and drains. For drains, pour about 1 cupful of baking soda into the smelly drain. Then pour in about 2 cups of vinegar and leave overnight. In the morning, flush with hot water.

For removing odors from clothes, add 1/4 cup of white vinegar and 1/4 cup of baking soda to your laundry. You can add this at the beginning of the wash cycle or during the rinse cycle. This mixture has a fabric-softening effect as well.

2. Drain Clog Remover

In addition to eliminating drain odors, vinegar can help unclog drains. Follow the steps in #1 above. The foaming action dislodges many clogs.

3. Toilet Cleaner

To clean and disinfect your toilet bowl, sprinkle in about a cup of baking soda. Then pour in 2-3 cups of white vinegar. (You will find your kids more willing to help you clean if it involves a fizzy toilet!) When the fizzing dies down, use your toilet brush to clean as usual. The vinegar inhibits the growth of mold and mildew as well as killing germs.

4. All-Purpose Spray Cleaner

You don't need to buy chemical spray cleaners. Just mix 1/2 cup of white vinegar with 3 cups of water, 10 drops of tea tree oil, a teaspoon of liquid soap, and 15 drops of your favorite essential oil in a 1-quart spray bottle. Use this disinfectant spray on counter-tops, sinks, floors, and any surface that needs cleaning.

5. Mold Eradicator

Vinegar is effective against mold. Spray your shower with white vinegar and allow it to soak for about 20 minutes. Then scrub and rinse. Add some tea tree oil to the vinegar for even better effectiveness. Spray your shower after each use to prevent mold from forming again.

For a moldy shower curtain, add a quart of vinegar to the washing machine when you wash the curtain.

6. Weed Killer

Pour or spray white vinegar directly onto weeds. Thoroughly wet the leaves and let the vinegar soak into the ground.

7. Window Cleaner

Mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon liquid soap per cup of water. Spray onto windows and wipe thoroughly, or dip a cloth into a bucket of this solution and wipe. Use a squeegee to scrape off the cleaner.

8. Remove Odor from the Air

Take about ½ cup of white vinegar and put it in a small bowl and set it on your counter-top. The vinegar will draw odors from the air to freshen your home. I use it all the time, and it works.

About the Publisher: Earl Williams is a real entrepreneur who is making money with his online marketing business using some of the largest Affiliate programs on the Internet. He uses the affiliate programs to setup where you can fine discount shopping along with great coupon deals. To learn more visit:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Natural Energy and Mood Boosters

Publisher: Earl Williams
The Affiliate Mini Mall

Most of us know that draggy, afternoon feeling when we would love to lie down for a nap. Few of us, however, have the luxury of taking that nap. Also, many of us struggle with depression or tense, angry moods. So what can you do? First, get more sleep each night. That is the first step toward reducing fatigue and irritability, and preventing exhaustion. After you've got that underway, there are other things that can help you boost your mood and your energy. Here are some ideas.

High-Energy Foods

Keeping a high-energy snack on hand will help give you a lift. Here are some ideas.

* Nutty trail mix can help
. Nuts are high in healthy fats and protein. These fats are implicated in relieving depression, especially depression associated with hormonal shifts. Add some dried fruits to the mix. They have natural sugars and fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. Mix some dark chocolate chips into your trail mix, too - chocolate is not only healthy, but the caffeine can gently open your eyes as well. Don't put white flour pretzels or sweet cereals in your trail mix.

* Whole grains are key to energy. Despite their bad press, carbohydrates are the body's source of energy. Just make sure your carbs are derived from whole, natural grains. Replace white rice with whole grain, and brown rice and conventional pasta with whole wheat pasta.

* Avoid white sugar where you can. Sugar can greatly affect mood, producing a high followed by a grouchy crash (don't all parents know this?).

* Avocados
are another food that boosts both mood and energy due to its high (but healthy) fat content.

* Raw fruits and vegetables can boost energy
. Try snacking on these before reaching for something like pretzels. Maybe you can eat a piece of raw fruit or a leafy green salad with your nutty trail mix on the side.


Controversy remains over the effectiveness of vitamin supplements. But it is true that certain vitamins, such as B-complex, do in fact boost mood and energy levels. And many people do not get enough vitamins in their diets. Therefore, a good multi-vitamin may be just the thing to help you. Or, just supplement with B-complex.

Get Moving

Just getting your circulation going and your muscles working can help you feel more energetic and positive. Take a walk if possible, or do a midday workout. If you work in an office building, see if you can get a couple of minutes to walk a lap or two around the building. And make regular exercise part of your routine.

Nap Like a Cat

Some people swear by the 5- or 10-minute nap for boosting energy. Try sneaking just a doze and see if it peps you up.


While you're acting like a cat, stretch. This improves your circulation and helps relieve muscle tension that can tire you out. Yoga, Tai Chi, and other simple stretching exercises and techniques can really help.

Herbal Supplements

Sometimes, a little herbal tea or supplementary capsules can improve mood and boost energy. Herbs that boost energy include:

* Yerba mate
* Tea - green or black
* Ginkgo biloba

Herbs that can gently improve a bad mood include:

* St. John's Wort
* Ginkgo biloba
* Chamomile

About the Publisher: Earl Williams is a real entrepreneur who is making money with his online marketing business using some of the largest Affiliate programs on the Internet. He uses the affiliate programs to setup where you can fine discount shopping along with great coupon deals. To learn more visit:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Building Strong Families through Spirituality

Publisher: Earl Williams
The Affiliate Mini Mall

The manifestation of spirituality differs in each individual and family. But the overarching concept of spirituality has a bonding effect on the family regardless of how it is practiced.

What Is Spirituality?

In a general sense, spirituality is a life philosophy or approach to life that includes and focuses on spiritual concepts. Spirituality embraces the idea of a human spirit or soul, and seeks to achieve the best state for the soul. A spiritual person believes in a higher power, and practices a set of disciplines and/or behaviors that bring them closer to this higher power.

Spirituality claims to be free from mainstream religion. Spiritual people seek to improve their lives and become better, more positive, loving people.

How Does Spirituality Build Strong Families?

* Forgiveness - Spirituality teaches forgiveness. This is crucial in families, where several people live together under one roof. Knowing how to receive and give forgiveness helps families deal with the inevitable glitches of family life.

* Focus on a higher power - A focus on something higher than yourself helps you break out of a self-centered approach to life. This is conducive to greater harmony in the family, and encourages family members to give of their time and abilities.

* Tolerance and patience - These concepts are components of spirituality. Learning how to be patient and tolerant of other family members is essential to a strong and harmonious family. Everyone makes mistakes; it's how we deal with those mistakes that makes the difference. Spiritual families teach these concepts.

* A sense of belonging - When everyone in a family is drawn together over a common belief system, it gives family members a sense of belonging. Family members see themselves as a unit under the umbrella of a higher belief system.

* Encourages gratitude - Spirituality fosters a sense of gratitude. Because spiritualists acknowledge a higher power, they see the good things in life as blessings and gifts to be appreciated.

* Rituals and behaviors - Practicing the same rituals and behaviors bonds families. If hiking in the woods is a spiritual experience for you and your family, it can become a habitual behavior that you all engage in periodically. It becomes something you share together, which brings family members closer.

* Emphasis on spiritual things - Families that are spiritual do not emphasize material things or appearances. They look beyond the physical, making them more accepting of others in general. A family that does not place importance on material things would be less subject to fights over toys or other items, for example.

* Love for one another - Loving each other is the most important component of a strong, bonded family. Spirituality teaches love for one another, family members included.

About the Publisher: Earl Williams is a real entrepreneur who is making money with his online marketing business using some of the largest Affiliate programs on the Internet. He uses the affiliate programs to setup where you can fine discount shopping along with great coupon deals. To learn more visit:

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Dangers of “Third-Hand Smoke”

Publisher: Earl Williams
The Affiliate Mini Mall

For decades we've heard about the dangers of smoking and of second-hand smoke. But there are now concerns over "third-hand smoke," or smoke that has penetrated fabrics, paper, and other substances, and settled on indoor surfaces. This residual smoke can, apparently, form new chemicals when it settles on common household items such as carpets and furniture.

More than one study has looked at the issue of residual tobacco smoke. The results of the most recent study were released early in 2010. The earlier study recognized the presence of third-hand smoke on indoor surfaces, and coined the term "third-hand smoke." The more recent study not only recognized the existence of residual smoke; it indicated its dangers.

Long after a smoker leaves a room, the smoke lingers in the air. It settles on surfaces and penetrates porous ones. The danger, according to the more recent study, is that the tobacco smoke mixes with common indoor air pollutants and forms tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs). These are potent carcinogens.

Nitrous acid is produced from gas ovens and burners that are not properly insulated. It is not an uncommon indoor air pollutant, and it was shown in the study to create TSNAs when mingled with residual tobacco smoke. What's odd (and not a little frightening) is that the researchers discovered a TSNA that is not only tobacco-specific, but specific to residual tobacco smoke in particular. This is a TSNA that is not present in smoke that has recently been emitted. In other words, tobacco smoke may become more carcinogenic over time. There are a lot of chemical changes and reactions going on around us, apparently.

The catch is that improving indoor air circulation does not necessarily help. The problem comes from smoke that accumulates on household surfaces or is absorbed into porous materials. And no household objects are immune - children's toys can harbor third-hand smoke just as the kitchen counter and family room carpet do. It is present in household dust, and we all know how ubiquitous that is!

Clothing is another big culprit in third-hand smoke. Parents may pride themselves on not smoking in the same room as their kids, or smoking outside only, but when they cuddle their baby even hours after having a cigarette, their clothing is rife with third-hand smoke.

Adults and children are vulnerable to the dangers of third-hand smoke, but babies and toddlers who explore the world through their mouths (and who are in close physical contact with adults) are especially at risk. Read this article from The New York Times

About the Publisher: Earl Williams is a real entrepreneur who is making money with his online marketing business using some of the largest Affiliate programs on the Internet. He uses the affiliate programs to setup where you can fine discount shopping along with great coupon deals. To learn more visit:

How to Deal with Stress Naturally

Publisher: Earl Williams
The Affiliate Mini Mall

Emotional Healing with Homeopathy

Stress is a significant problem in our modern era. Many people turn to powerful drugs to help them cope, but there are alternatives. Homeopathic medicine offers some positive options.

Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is often considered synonymous with natural or alternative medicine. But homeopathy is a specific kind of natural medicine.

Homeopathic remedies are said to stimulate the body's own reactionary, healing response. Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similar, or the "like cures like" philosophy (hence the first part of the word, "homeo," meaning "like" or "similar"). The theory is that minute, diluted doses of a substance that would cause symptoms in a healthy person can alleviate those same symptoms in an ill person.

For example, caffeine is a stimulant that keeps people awake. But in homeopathy, extremely diluted doses of caffeine and other stimulants would be given to someone suffering from insomnia. This is known as the Law of the Infinitesimal Dose.

Homeopathic remedies focus on healing the whole person, not just curing the illness or alleviating symptoms. This is why homeopathy is so appropriate and helpful for emotional healing. A specific diagnosis is not necessary before undergoing homeopathic treatment. The remedies are chosen based on the patient's personality and symptoms.

Homeopathic remedies come in various degrees of dilution. The higher the number, the greater the dilution. Remedies that are "3c," for example, have been diluted less than a "6c" remedy. The "c" stands for hundreds. The 3c remedy is therefore diluted 100 times, then 100 more, then 100 more - 100 to the third power, in other words. Sometimes you will see remedies with an "x" rather than a "c" - this means the dilution is based on 10, not 100. A 12x remedy is about the same dilution as 6c.

Emotional Healing

While it's a good idea to consult with a homeopathic practitioner, here are some remedies that are generally recommended for emotional healing.

* Pulsatilla is a remarkable remedy for "weepiness" and depression. It is particularly effective when these symptoms are the result of hormonal shifts in the body, such as puberty, menopause, or post-partum.

* Sepia helps depression that is accompanied by irritability.

* Aurum helps with feelings of self-loathing and thoughts of suicide.

* Calcarea carbonica is used to treat exhaustion and depression, and is helpful with anxiety as well.


* Sepia can help when feeling overwhelmed, especially when these feelings are due to excessive worries and responsibilities.

* Arsenicum can help a person who is suffering from exhaustion or restlessness. It can also help if a person feels stressed over the need to keep his or her house and belongings perfectly clean and neatly organized.

* Chamomilla is a good remedy for children and adults alike. It helps ease irritability and impatience and promotes a sense a calm.

About the Publisher: Earl Williams is a real entrepreneur who is making money with his online marketing business using some of the largest Affiliate programs on the Internet. He uses the affiliate programs to setup where you can fine discount shopping along with great coupon deals. To learn more visit: